Find a Pub Quiz in York

Does anybody really know how many pubs are in York? Maybe that’s the ultimate pub quiz question! Some say that there are enough pubs that you could go to a different one every day and still not manage to visit them all in a year. And what do you get with pubs? Well of course, the popular pub quizzes.

Whether you prefer a normal pen and paper quiz or one of those new smartphone quizzes, there’s plenty of them every night in and around York.

Below are the pub quizzes that we’re aware of but if you know of any more, please do get in touch so we can add them to our list.

This list is brought to you by Pub Quiz Ready – Buy Pub Quiz Questions and Answers


SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at Valhalla

Valhalla     Mon 29th July - 8PM      £2 per person

Jolly Good Pub Quiz at the Gillygate

The Gillygate Pub     Mon 29th July - 8PM

Pub Quiz at the Rose and Crown

Rose and Crown     Mon 29th July - 8PM


Pub Quiz at The Golden Ball

Golden Ball     Tue 30th July - 8PM

SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at The Punchbowl on Stonegate

The Punchbowl, Stonegate     Tue 30th July - 8PM      £2 per person

SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at 1331

Thirteen Thirty One     Tue 30th July - 8PM      £2 per person

Pub Quiz at the Deramore Arms

The Deramore Arms     Tue 30th July - 8PM


SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at The Three Tuns

The Three Tuns     Wed 31st July - 8PM      £2 per person

SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at the Gillygate

The Gillygate Pub     Wed 31st July - 8PM      £2 per person

Pub Quiz at The Edinburgh Arms

The Edinburgh Arms     Wed 31st July - 8:30PM      Free

Pub Quiz at The Black Horse

The Black Horse     Wed 31st July - 8:30PM      Free

Pub Quiz at the Last Drop Inn

The Last Drop Inn     Wed 31st July - 8:30PM

Pub Quiz at The Cross Keys Dringhouses

Cross Keys, Dringhouses     Wed 31st July - 9PM - 11PM


Smartphone Pub Quiz at Charles XII Heslington

Charles XII     Thu 1st August - 7:30PM      Free

Smartphone Pub Quiz at Yates

Yates     Thu 1st August - 7:30PM      Free

SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at the The Ackhorne

The Ackhorne     Thu 1st August - 7:30PM      £2 per person

SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at The Keystones

The Keystones     Thu 1st August - 8PM

SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at the Old White Swan

The Old White Swan     Thu 1st August - 8PM      £2 per person

Pub Quiz at Hole in the Wall

Hole in the Wall     Thu 1st August - 9PM      Free

Pub Quiz at The Bay Horse

The Bay Horse     Thu 1st August - 9PM


We currently don't have any listings for Fridays.


We currently don't have any listings for Saturdays.


SpeedQuizzing Pub Quiz at Brew York

Brew York     Sun 28th July - 7PM      £2 per person

Smartphone Pub Quiz at Tank and Paddle

Tank and Paddle     Sun 28th July - 7:30PM      Free

Smartphone Pub Quiz at The Keystones

The Keystones     Sun 28th July - 7:30PM      Free

Sunday Quiz at The Cock and Bottle

The Cock and Bottle     Sun 28th July - 8PM